Monday, May 29, 2017

Seeking Heart

Last week my blog was about moments of silence in our life that cause us to question God. So today, I thought I would write about the noise on the opposite side of the spectrum. It’s those times in our lives when there’s always something going on, people’s expectations and their voices add to the noise, the world pulls you in and chatters constantly in your ear…It is those times when we wish for silence. It is also in those times when we wish that the noise would just stop, even if just for a moment, so that we could hear God. So that we can find Him.

One amazing thing about sound is that there are different frequencies of sound waves. Humans can hear sounds that are within a certain frequency. Dolphins and bats can hear sounds that range far beyond the human range. All kinds of species have a certain range that they can hear sounds only within that range. I’m not a science whiz, but I know enough about how sound works to know that it is quite an incredible part of God’s unique craftsmanship.

The way sound works creates a great illustration of how people get trapped in the noise. We get so caught up listening to everything that’s within our own “frequency range.” We don’t even hear the sounds that aren’t immediately within that range. Now in real life, it isn’t quite possible for humans to just have super hearing and hear frequencies that bats could hear. But maybe in a way, the only way for us to find a quiet enough moment for us to hear God is for us to join Him in His frequency range. Maybe we have gotten so caught up in this idea that God is going to meet us where we are, that we have stopped searching for Him. Then we complain and mumble and wonder where God is in the midst of all the tragedy our world faces…But maybe one of the biggest tragedies we really face is when we stop seeking after God?

“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” –Jeremiah 29:13

I don’t know how, where, and when God has and/or will show up in your life, but I do know that even though God can make himself known and present in your life in whatever way He chooses, there is a blessing in the process of searching for Him. There is a beauty in the effort it takes for us to find God’s frequency range. Because without a doubt, when you search for Him with all your heart, you will find Him. It may not be within your “sound frequency,” your comfort zone, or your plans. It may take way more time than you are truly willing to give. It may stir up unwanted pain. It will take sacrifice, willingness, and a ready a heart, but it will be worth every bit of whatever you give. Pray for and strive to have a seeking heart, because when you genuinely seek after God, you never return empty-handed. 

“I love those who love me, and those who diligently seek me will find me.” –Prov. 8:17

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