Monday, April 20, 2015

You. Are. Loved.

            When you’re not confident in who you are, be confident in who God is. In Exodus 20, God says that He is literally jealous of us. Really think about that. Our God, the greatest, most powerful God, the one and only God, is jealous of you. He wants you as his own, He wants you for who you are, insecurities and all. Every little doubt you have about who you are is nothing in the eyes of God.
            I don’t know about you, but this concept is extremely difficult for me to grasp. Why me? With all my flaws and inadequacies, He loves me. The craziest thing of all is that I don’t have to change or try to earn his love and attention. There is absolutely nothing I can do that will make me any more or less beautiful in his sight. You are beautiful and you are loved just the way you are. You probably hear this all the time. But do you believe it? Do you live your life like you believe it? We are God’s bride. He took you in, He sent his son so He could have a relationship with you. He is jealous of you.

            Even if you don’t know who are you or aren’t confident in who you are, God is confident in you. He loves you despite that. Don’t think about your flaws, think about God’s love. Think about how God looks at you. I don’t care how many times you’ve heard it, but you are beautiful and you are loved. I promise that no matter how many mistakes you’ve made and no matter how messed up you think you are, there is no person that God’s love doesn’t reach. I can’t stress it enough. So take a deep breath and really think for a minute about how much God loves you. 

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