Monday, July 17, 2017

Living as Loved

Sometimes I have to take a step back
Run the opposite way of everything I’m chasing
Turn around, be still, and embrace the waiting

I get so caught up in God’s big plan
That I forget that I live because I’m loved
I’m not living to be loved

As if knowing God’s plan isn’t already hard enough,
I try to shape His plan and make it more like my own
Only to see those plans swept away like weightless leaves in a flashflood

I always try to figure out exactly where God wants me
The mess of this confusing quest
Leaves me angry, confused, and upset

I spend so much time digging for answers
I end up running in circles when I could be dancing
Dancing in a love so whole and so real
Dancing in a love that has never required me to “do”

I could be chasing all the wrong things and God would still love me
I could be chasing all the right things and God would love me the same
His love isn’t dependent on the steps that I take

I get lost in the details, the what ifs, and what nows
When I could be getting lost in God’s radical love
I never ever have to live to be loved

I’m loved as I am and where I am so I live