Monday, September 25, 2017

Rest and Reset

It has been a couple weeks since I have last posted. Getting used to the "teaching life" has taken quite a bit out of me, and it got to the point where I just needed to rest. I don't mean sleep, I don't even mean relax. I mean taking a moment to rest in the presence of Christ. The faster and busier life gets, the easier it is to slip away from spending those little moments with Christ. Yet, it is those little moments with Christ that seem to keep me going and moving forward when I go from one thing to the next in my day-to-day life.

I actually completely forgot to blog a couple weeks ago--and at first I felt guilty. I felt like I had failed at doing something for Christ that I've always felt led to do. But then I realized that I actually really needed the time off. I needed a chance to clear my head of all the little things on my mind from teaching and everything else. I needed a time to clear my head so I could refill it with God's Word. Then, I decided to take a second blog Monday off so I could just stop thinking of all the little things I had to do.

When doing something for the Kingdom starts to feel like a chore, it may be time to take a step back and reset.

I think this goes for anything in life. Even with teaching, there are days when I just want a break and everything seems so overwhelming. And on those days, I know that I need to find a moment to rest, reset, and ask God to fill me back up with a patient and serving heart like His.

As a teacher, it is very easy to notice when a student needs a chance to reset. Maybe they are frustrated and they need a quick break from their assignment. Maybe they are having trouble focusing and they need a chance to get some energy out. Whatever it may be, resetting a student's focus, attitude, or behavior is a common occurrence in the classroom. I've wondered if God looks down and nudges me to take a moment to reset my focus, my attitude, and my behavior in my relationship with Him.

If I've learned anything over the years of crazy schedules with working, practicing, classes and so on-- it is that being busy is hard and exhausting, but being busy without Jesus is worse. Tonight, I encourage you to take a moment to reset, refocus, and realign your heart and mind to His.

"Come near to God, and He will come near to you." -James 4:8

Monday, September 4, 2017

Take Me Back

I wrote this awhile ago and just recently stumbled upon it again. It's a poem I wrote after my trip to Israel, during a time in my life where I just wanted to go back to a place where I truly felt God's presence.
To this day, I still wish I could go back to Israel and to En Gedi and experience it all over again. But, this poem and this call, "Take me back," really mean so much more. It's easy to slowly slip away from being in God's Word everyday and spending time in prayer. It's easy to unconsciously but gradually fall further and further away from a deep, intimate relationship with our God. However, it is incredible that even in one moment of asking God to be brought back to that place where our hearts are in tune with His, He can make it happen. Of course it takes more than that to build a deep and consistent relationship with Christ, but that one moment is beautiful nonetheless. Even in our weakest moments, a small glimpse of God's presence can change everything. 
As you go throughout your busy, fast-paced week, take a small moment to ask God to bring you back to Him. You are never too far out of God's reach to be brought back under the shelter of His wings. 

Take me back to En Gedi
Where your Living Water flows
Where it was easy to find you, to hear you, to seek you
Take me back through the desert
So my wandering heart breaks
So the eyes of my soul open
So I’m completely lost until I find your face
I desperately know that I need you desperately
But the things of this world won’t let me escape
Like David found En Gedi
Where Living Water overflowed
Lead me back to your embrace

Take me back to En Gedi
Bring me down to my knees
My heart is drying up quickly
Let your love wash over me
Lead me to your waterfall
I’ll dive as deep as I can
So I can immerse myself in your grace
And be near you once again
This dry and barren land
Is getting the best of me
God I need your Living Water
Rain down your love on me

Take me back to En Gedi
I’m ready to hike
I’m prepared to be broken
I’m ready to fight
To fight against my weary soul
To run from all that holds me back
To humble myself before your throne
If that’s what it takes to be brought back 
Back into your promised home
Oh Abba, Living Water
Forgive me for my wrongs
Cleanse me once again in your waterfall

Take me back to En Gedi
Now my sins are no more
My savior has freed me
I can swim in your love once more
Living Water I need you
Not just now but always
I’ll follow you through the desert
Through the valley through the storm 
Through the wadi to En Gedi
Where Living Water flows
I could stay here forever

In my Abba’s waterfall