Sunday, January 18, 2015

"Let go and let God"

               Just recently, someone very close to me was carrying a tremendous amount of pain. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t really make them feel better. I just wanted to say something that would make everything okay, that would heal all their pain, and would put a smile back on their face. I couldn’t be happy until I knew that they were happy.

                I’m sure many of you have had similar situations; where someone you truly care for and love is really hurting and you wish that you could just take all their pain away. Now imagine Jesus. His love for us is far, far greater than any love you may have for someone else. He loves us so much, that he did what we can’t do. We may not be able to always take away the pain that someone else is feeling, but Jesus did this sort of thing for us when he died on the cross.

 Isaiah 53:4 says,

    “Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down.”

The pain I wish I could carry for just one person I care about, is the pain that Jesus carries for the entire world. Jesus came to carry our sorrow out of his unconditional love for us, so that we could live free from the burden of sin and sorrow. Isn’t that reason enough to be joyful?

                Far too often we take this for granted. Everyone experiences trials and struggles, but we should find peace in knowing that we have a God who carries our sorrow and pain for us.
        “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you” -Psalm 55:22

Like I’m sure you’ve heard it said before, “Let go and let God.” There is absolutely nothing that God can’t save you from. So when you’re ready, give your burdens to God and be prepared for him to sustain you with a peace and joy that only comes from him. When you finally let go of all the weight you have to carry, you might feel not only a sense of peace, but a sense of strength. Not because you are strong on your own, but because God builds strength in our weaknesses if we are willing to give our lives over to him.

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