Monday, March 2, 2015

Embrace Your Inner Loser

If I could count the number of times I’ve been called a loser... I still wouldn’t because that would honestly take a very long time and would get pretty depressing. I could write a book about all the rude or nasty things people have said about me behind my back or to my face, and I could probably back that book up with multiple sequels. And, although we’re supposed to let it go, I can probably recall some of the most hurtful things said to me even if it was from years ago.
            Now I’m positive that as you read this, you might be thinking of some really hurtful or rude comments that have been said about you.You can probably think of a time when someone straight up called you a loser. But let me tell you this... If I have learned one thing over the last year, it is this: EMBRACE YOUR INNER LOSER.
        Guess what? I know I’m a loser. I know that I’m not that cool, I’m not going to be everyone’s favorite person in the world, but I’m also learning to be okay with that. For starters, why does it matter what other people say to me or about me? People even said rude things to and about Jesus, but did that stop him from living out his purpose? Look how big of an impact Jesus has made in our world today. People could say whatever they wanted about him, but He knew that He was God’s son, and ultimately that was all that mattered.
            In the same way, aren’t we God’s children? So what if she said that about me and he said this, so what if I don’t feel as pretty as her, or I have a weird laugh, or my nose is too big, or I am straight up the biggest loser on the planet, I’m God’s loser. Matthew 10:39 says,
“Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.”
            I don’t have to try and live my life according to how the people around me want me to live my life, but instead, I have to try and lose my life here. If I’m living to impress the people around me, then I’ve ultimately lost who God created me to be and I'm probably going to fail anyways. But, if I let go of what others think of me and who they want me to be, then I have won in God’s eyes. Embrace your inner loser. Who are you living for? Are you living for the people who are constantly tearing and breaking you down? Or, are you living for God who says that being a loser is the only way for you to really win in the end? Only you can make that choice for yourself, and it is a choice that you may have to make every day.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”-John 14:27

When you decide that being a loser for God is who you want to be, you will find peace that doesn’t come from anything this world can give. Maybe you really are just a loser here… Join the club!! Embrace it and allow God to give you his gift of peace. 

1 comment:

  1. I learned this same lesson in college. I had a friend ask me, " do you look up to that person? (I said no) ... "Then why do you care what they think ?"
    It was a valuable lesson to learn and I'm so glad I took the advice.
