Pray with expectations. It's okay to expect God to move, in
fact, if we aren't expecting God to work, we might be lacking in faith.
Hebrews 11:1 says that "Faith is confidence in what
we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
Are you confident when you pray that God is going to move?
Are you confident that when you work in the Kingdom of God you are part of
something far greater than you know? Are you sure of the truth that God can
move in miraculous ways?
I know I go through the motions quite often. I pray and
think well God COULD do something. Far too often I think God COULD move instead
of knowing He WILL move. What's the point of those prayers if I'm not even
really expecting it to work?
Be honest with yourself! How often do you pray because
that's just what you do but its really just another prayer?
Faith moves mountains. But genuine faith is more than just
hoping and throwing up a prayer. It is more than just believing that God can do
something, it is actually expecting God to move in ways that seem impossible.
When we start expecting God to really move a few things
God will move and work miracles.
God will move and work miracles in ways we
don't notice or understand.
God will move in different ways than we
were expecting, maybe even different ways than we wanted, but He is still
moving all the same.
God will move when, where, and how He sees
Even when our faith isn't there, the mercy and grace of God
moves. God moves and can move despite our lack of faith and expectations. He
isn't dependent on our faith to move. So then why have expectations and faith?
Because it is part of a real relationship. In any kind of relationship, you
will naturally have expectations. You have faith in your friends, that they'll
be there for you. In the same way, we should have faith and expectations
as part of our relationship with Christ.
What happens when expectations seem to go unmet? The truth
is we disappoint ourselves. We get disappointed because we set terms and
conditions and imagine God will work in those ways. Just because God does
things in His own way according to His plan, doesn't mean He isn't working. It
doesn't mean He isn't moving mountains. So expect God to move even when you
don't see it happening. Expect that God is working even if you don't understand
the ways in which He is doing it. Expect that God will move even if it is on
His own timing. This week expect God to do great things. Pray in hope and
expectations that God will fix what is broken, He will bring healing, He will
bring peace, He will restore relationships, He will redeem and save souls, and
He will continue working in amazing ways through the lives of His children.
Hope anchors the soul, and praying with expectations is
having faith in God as our anchor.
Another AMAZING post!!
ReplyDeleteAnd to be completely honest this is EXACTLY what I needed to read today. So many nights I pray, but I wonder about my real faith sometimes...
I am lately having so many questions and thoughts about expectations and hopes in my prayers (more of the latter really). Actually, it really comes down to purpose. I would really appreciate any passage or advice you could give me if you have any.
I've always felt very strongly about purpose and how God has created each and every one of us for a specific purpose to fill a part of life in a way no one else ever could. I've been wondering lately however... is this really true, or am I setting my expectations too high? It sounds horrible and brings me tears to think about it, but what I mean is do you think some people WERE created for a purpose, but their purpose is one used (in movie terms) as an extra or backstage hand? They are completely useful and needed, but their purpose doesn't shine out like the director or actors' do. What do you think?
Thank you for "listening"!!
Caitlyn, purpose can be a tough thing to figure out sometimes. The "Christian" thing to say would be something like, "Oh don't worry, God created everyone with a purpose. You're here for a reason. He will guide you along the way." And yes that is all true stuff, but I know sometimes that isn't enough for me. I really want to know exactly what and why and when and where and how. I wrote 2 blogs on this subject last year. One of them is "Wondering about Wandering." And the other one is "To Change the World." I'll leave the links here and you can check them out if you want. :) don't ever think your purpose is too small! Don't ever doubt that the little things you do are making a big impact even on just one person's life!! You've definitely impacted mine by being so encouraging and inspiring me to keep doing what I do. Your words are always a blessing. Expect God to work in your life to serve in His Kingdom. It might not be in the ways you want, but it will happen. Thanks again for reading and the for the encouraging words. God Bless! ❤️
Thank you SO much, Brooklyn! Again, you have really inspired me and helped point me back in the right direction when (as in your snowboarding story in "Wondering about Wandering") I feel utterly lost and lose sight of everything around me. Thank you so much! I absolutely loved reading your two blog posts (thank you so much for sharing them!) and though I can definitely relate to both of them, "To Change the World" definitely spoke out to me and it felt like reading my own exact thoughts and then having a real purpose behind them! Thank you honestly for your wonderful writing; you are definitely very talented at bringing the truth to life, making it relatable, and I love it how you don't just say what everyone else says, but as in your above comment, you have your own Christ-centered opinion. Thank YOU, so much for writing and doing what you do. Again your posts and words have truly, honestly done more for me than you'll ever know!
ReplyDeleteThank you and God bless you too!! :)