Monday, March 28, 2016

Normal Days

 A little girl screams out for her mother
The mother frantically searches her out in the crowd
People are running everywhere
Trying to escape the chaos and the noise
Trying to grasp what just happened
It was a 'normal' day
The explosion went off
And nothing else from that point forward would be normal
Not for that little girl who lost her mother
Not for that husband who lost his wife
Not for that boy that lost a leg
Nothing would ever be the same

My heart breaks for them
Tears filled my eyes as I read the news
Another bombing
Another 60 people dead
Another 300 people injured
My heart breaks

And somehow I go on living through my normal day
Somehow I find the nerve to complain about my normal days
When miles away families would give anything for my normal day
My heart breaks

I sat there and continued to read the article and the stories…
Imagining the franticness of people wondering how life could go on from that point
My heart breaks

I get so caught up in my own life
I ignore all the many other lives 
I forget that a little girl across the world is going to sleep at night thinking about how she will never see her mother on earth here again
My heart breaks.

It’s at this time when I realize my call to pray for the world around me is drastically more important than I previously believed.
My call to find a way to be involved in bringing healing to the hurting in this world is vital in bringing hope to hopeless hearts.
My heart breaks, and I pray.


  1. So trrue . The world needs our prayers!

  2. What an eye-opener. This is so sad, but so, so very true.
