Monday, April 4, 2016

Watch, Follow, Do

One thing I’ve gotten really good at this year is watching… When I had my surgeries and my infection and felt sick all the time, all I did was sit out of so many different activities and watch as everyone else participated. Still waiting to be 100% cleared to get back on the court, all I do is watch. Practice after practice after practice, sitting out and watching.
But the other day I got to thinking; Is this what I do in my walk of faith? Do I merely just sit back and watch?

When Jesus told his disciples to follow him, He meant so much more than just to follow and watch him work. Jesus wanted his disciples to not only follow him in a spiritual sense, but a physical sense and DO as He did.

If Jesus helped the poor, then I help the poor.
If Jesus loved his enemies, then I love my enemies.
If Jesus sacrificed himself for all people, then I sacrifice what I can.
The list goes on and on.

Following Jesus is doing as Jesus did… Not just watching.

But that’s what I think a lot of people do in the church. We sit back and watch God move through other people and think “Wow, good for them! That is awesome God is really using them.”

That is all fine and dandy, but don’t you think God could use you to? Don’t you think if you stopped just watching God work in everyone else’s lives, maybe He could work in yours too?

There is nothing wrong with watching. But watching, learning, and then doing is a much better approach to ministry in God’s kingdom.

Matthew 16:25 tells us that losing our lives for the sake of Christ’s ministry is actually finding and living life to the fullest in the best way possible.

Lose your life for the sake of God’s ministry, drop everything, relentlessly not only pursue Christ, but do as He does. Be a doer, not a watcher. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this encouragement! I agree so many times I myself love to encourage others and point out how God is using them and how they're working, but rarely do I DO. This has been a great conviction and encouragement to me! Thank you!!
