Monday, April 25, 2016

My Setback was a Setup

Maybe our "setbacks" are actually God setting us up for something better.

"The biggest setbacks lead to the greatest comebacks" is a saying that I hear a lot. And it's been really encouraging to me over the last few months with all the physical therapy and training I'm going through to try and get back on the court for next season. It's nice to hear that no matter how set back and behind I feel in my sport, I have the platform to make a major comeback.

This is so true in every aspect of life--not just athletic setbacks. Whatever it is that is setting you back, might actually be giving you opportunities you would've never had before.

But the focus shouldn't be on the setback. It shouldn't even be on the comeback. The focus should be on the work that God is doing in your life- through the setback and the comeback... The focus should be on the setup.

Because maybe setbacks after all are actually just setups as part of God's plan.

 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28 ESV

God orchestrates all things for our good. The setbacks we go through are placing us on the road to something better. Maybe this sounds really mundane or repetitive to you... But if we don't believe that our setbacks are ultimately leading us to where God needs us, then what other hope do we have through those setbacks??

Maybe your setbacks aren't taking you to where you want to go, but they're taking you exactly to where God needs you.

Take it from Paul. He did not have an easy life. He even wrote about all the trials, difficulties, and setbacks he went through. But despite those setbacks he could still write and believe that "all things work together for good."

And they did for Paul, even if it wasn't how he planned or what he wanted. Things worked out how God needed them to. If Paul hadn't gone through the many setbacks in his life, I wonder if he still would have made such a huge impact on early Christianity and the church. His setbacks set him up for something greater.

Rather than looking at the things I've gone through this year and seeing them as major setbacks, the simple shift in mindset towards viewing these things as a setup changes everything. It changes my fear... I don't have to be afraid about the things I go through, because I know God is setting me up for something greater. It changes my confidence...I don't have to be discouraged and defeated, because I know God is going to work with me on the comeback. It changes my hopelessness...Because I know this wasn't a setback. It was a setup with purpose and reason, and God is going to get me to where I need to be. 

So no matter how ugly things seem now, don't forget the big picture. Cling to the hope that this is a setup for something so much bigger than just you. My setback wasn't really a setback after all, and you might just find the same to be true in your life. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

A Letter to God from a Worn College Student

I’m sorry for not giving you the time of day—there are no excuses. In the brief moment I have time to write this, I’m also realizing that my schedule is a matter of my priorities. Although class, finals, final papers, practice, physical therapy, and work among other things have made my time quickly diminish this month, maybe I would have more time if I focused first on you.
College is difficult. Being a college athlete is difficult. Being a college athlete while trying to keep my GPA up and work a part time job is difficult. But what is even more difficult is this: Keeping my eyes, my heart, my soul, and my thoughts all aligned to You and Your Word in the midst of all this college stress.  
God, I’m sorry for wasting my time on foolish things. I’m sorry for all the times I’ve failed to put you first. I’m sorry for placing my school books over your Word when it should come first in my life. I’ve failed to keep my priorities straight over and over again… But I pray that You will help me begin to get it right in the next few months.
College is hard. I know that You have me here for a reason, but man are there times when all I can think about is giving up. Help me trust that I'm right where You need me, and help me pursue the plans that only You can create for me.
Thank you for finding me here. In these moments where mental, emotional breakdowns get the best of me…In the tears I find you. Thank you for being a place of peace and shelter; for being my great escape. Thank you for giving me struggles this year, because in the end they have ultimately brought me closer to you. Thank you for the talents and passions you have given me, because they have given me something to work for and pursue. They have given me a means to bring more glory to You. Thank you for the people and support system You have placed in my life, I’ve been blessed beyond what I deserve. When I love myself the least, You love me the most.
God, thank you for loving me when my love for you doesn’t come first on my list. I pray that in everything I do and say, I’ll truly put you first. These past few weeks have been crazy. And, they are about to get even crazier. So, I plan on running to you a lot.
Please let my faith rule over my anxiety and fears. I’ve always needed You, but it’s during my times of weakness that I truly realize just how much I actually need you. You are my anchor, and to that hope I will cling. Help me to only take steps where You lead, and to only walk through doors You have opened.
In love and faith,
Your broken daughter

Monday, April 11, 2016

Interrogating God

Why do we think that God owes us answers?

As I often do, the other day I was wondering. I was thinking to myself about all the different questions that I’ve had for God over this year.

Questions like:
-Why did this happen to me?
-How come you opened a door and then closed it right away?
-Why didn’t this work out for me?
-If this is your plan for me, why do I still feel so confused?

These are just a few of those questions. I ask God questions all the time. Not the kinds of questions that might be part of a genuine prayer and making my requests known to God… But questions that are more about me interrogating God. Questions that are more about me getting answers, and trying to figure out God’s intentions.  

But why am I interrogating God?

We all have questions. God expects us to ask questions. But I’m not sure my questions were coming to God with the right heart. Instead of a trusting heart, my questions often come to God from a doubtful heart. When I ask God why, I’m not really asking for him to reveal the reasons why and the lessons I was supposed to learn from something. Rather, oftentimes when I ask God why, it’s almost like I’m hinting at some anger, and blame I have for God.

When we start asking questions with the wrong attitude, we’re interrogating God out of distrust, doubt, and suspicion. Sometimes our questions even begin to attack God’s character.

It’s easy to think that God owes us answers… especially when things don’t go our way or a bad situation comes up in life.

The book of Habakkuk gives a great example of this. Habakkuk questions God, in fact, Scripture says he even cried out to God with those questions. But his questions were coming from the right heart. His crying out to the Lord leads up to one of my all time favorite passages in Scripture:

“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to tread on the heights.” -Habakkuk 3:17-19

Habakkuk probably felt like he was at rock bottom; broken, crumbling, empty, and left with nothing. So he did cry out to God. And he did come before God asking him why. But in all of those questions he still rejoiced. He still recognized that God was in complete control and would enable him to get through what he was experiencing, even if he couldn’t understand why.

God doesn’t owe us answers. He might give you the answers you want or He might not, but He will most definitely give you what you need to make it through whatever ugly situations cause you to question in the first place.

If anything remember this: there is a difference between questioning God and doubting God and his goodness. Ask God questions, ask God why, and learn the answers, but be careful of the heart those questions are coming from.

“Quit questioning God and start trusting Him!” –Joel Osteen