Monday, September 12, 2016

Embrace Where You Are

Something hit me this morning that really should have hit me a long, long time ago. It sounds extremely simple, but for whatever reason I really didn't grasp it and finally believe it till today. It is this: 

I am here for a reason. I have been given this path for a reason. Everything that has happened has happened for a reason. 

But here's the thing, I haven't been embracing the position that I’m in. Sure, I trust what God is doing in my life. However, am I embracing what He is doing? Am I going through the motions or am I making waves of change? Am I using my situation as an opportunity to serve Him?

Embrace where God has you. 

This means that instead of sitting back and letting life happen to you, get out and live. Do something. Live out the Kingdom of God. 

For example, I realized today that there are some people in my life going through silent battles and I need to spend more time investing in their lives.

If you don't understand why God has you where you are, and don't know what your purpose or role is supposed to be: Just do something. Find someone who is broken, and love them like Jesus would. Find the poor, and give to them like Jesus would. Find the empty, and pour into their lives like Jesus would. But don't sit back and do nothing because you pity your own situation or because you don't understand what God is doing. 

You won't always figure out God's purpose if you just wait, and you won't figure it out if you just feel sorry for yourself. 

With your whole being you embrace God setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud: ‘God has set everything right between him and me!’ Scripture reassures us, ‘No one who trusts God like this - heart and soul - will ever regret it.’” –Romans 10:10-11 MSG

God is working, He is setting things right. Trust Him, start working alongside of Him, and embrace where He has you.

1 comment:

  1. This was great! And helpful for me today. Thanks for writing it!
