"Do you trust me? Do you love me?"
It doesn't make sense.
Bad things keep happening.
People keep breaking.
Storms keep raging.
But God is whispering,
"Do you trust me? Do you love me?"
The world shouts,
Encouraging further doubts.
Suffering screams,
Digging in deeper into the darkness.
But God is whispering,
"Do you trust me? I love you."
Temptations, sin, and fear,
Begin to make a mess.
Grief, sorrow, and tears,
Wondering where God is now when nothing makes sense.
Still He whispers,
"Just trust me, I love you."
Yes, sure I trust you but....
Yeah I know you love me but...
God speaks again,
"Just be still, just be silent, just listen, be calm. I loved you then, I love you now. I'll love you always. I'll carry your fears. I'll carry your pain. I'll wipe away the tears. But you have to let me in. You have to trust that I'm here. So let me ask you again,
Do you trust me? Do you love me?"
I trust you God, I love you.