Monday, May 11, 2015

More Than Rubies

“She is worth far more rubies…She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come…Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31)
It may be that what’s on the inside is what really matters most, but do you actually believe it? The world is constantly setting standards on how women should look, dress, and sell themselves to the people around them. But, Proverbs 31:10-31 gives a way better standard for what makes a beautiful woman. The standards of the world are always changing, so I promise that you will probably never fully meet them. But if you aim to be a godly woman, you will be so much more fulfilled with the self-worth that God can give... Here’s a poem inspired by Proverbs 31 and how much God values each and every person, despite what the world says. 

More than Rubies
She walked to school every day with her hair covering her face
Trying to hide herself away
All the other kids pointed and laughed
They whispered to each other
But in her mind, she heard screams

Screams that told her she wasn’t pretty enough
She wasn’t skinny enough, didn’t have the right color of hair
Her eyes were boring, and her clothing was so last year
The screams told her she was worthless
Because she didn’t meet the standards of the world

As the screams echoed louder in her mind
She took another step, and began to cross the road
The driver saw her, he was still going too fast
His foot pressed firm on the brake,
 But it wasn’t enough

The force of the car threw her to the ground
Instantly her mind went silent
The screams from the world were no more
She saw a flash of light,
 And then heard these words

“You are worth more than rubies,
You’re more precious than gold
Don’t you know that I love you?
You’re my child, my beloved

Your clothing doesn’t matter
Your hair is perfect the way I made it
Haven’t you heard I don’t make mistakes?
You’re my masterpiece, a work of art

Don’t listen to the world
Don’t be deceived by its lies
For beauty is in who you are and
 Not in how they judge

Smile, my daughter,
 For this is not the end
You have more life to live
You have more beauty to give

Look to me always,
I’ll silence the screams
Just promise me one thing,
Don’t forget that you’re loved.”

She woke up in a white room
Lying on a hospital bed
But she smiled from ear to ear,

As she finally realized her worth