Monday, September 21, 2015

Still Fighting

I'm still waiting for the light bulb to go off when I finally become grateful for everything I've been going through. 
To be completely real, today was a very long, frustrating, and exhausting day.
But I'm still fighting. 
I'm not sure if I have a lesson or any inspiration to give tonight, but for anyone and everyone out there that is going through something:
Trust me, I know how exhausting fighting to push forward can be, but don't stop. 
People are watching you, counting on you, and waiting for you to break down. Maybe some people even want you to fail, and other people really do want you to make it through. 
As believers in Christ, people are always watching us. If we're going to say God is good, strong, powerful, gives peace, joy, and everything else we believe to be true about him, our lives have to show it. Especially when we're struggling. 
Just because you go through something difficult, doesn't mean that God isn't still any of those things. Because He is constantly those things. 
When you go through something, God is testing you, believing in you, and excitingly waiting to see you grow. 

James 1:12
"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."

I know it's hard and oftentimes it feels pointless, I understand the frustration, stress, exhaustion, and all the other feelings that come along with fighting through something, but keep pushing on. 

Be steadfast, be strong, and press on, there is a purpose for the struggle and the pain, but oftentimes you have to push all the way through it to finally figure it out. 
It's not the trial that produces growth, it's the fight that you give to get through it. 

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