Monday, November 30, 2015

Fearing Complacency

The truth is I’ve typed, deleted, and then retyped this very blog at least three times now…. I write something, but then read it and take all my words back. I didn’t plan anything for tonight’s blog, partially because I’ve been busy with finals approaching and partially because I really just have no clue what I really want to write about. Yes, there are many thoughts racing around in my head, but they are currently so jumbled up that there’s no way I can clearly communicate them to you tonight. However, you can be sure someday soon I’ll find the words to share those thoughts with you, because trust me, I’ve been thinking a lot lately.

But for tonight, what I want to share with you briefly is a quote that has been haunting my mind recently:

“Our greatest fear as individuals and as a church should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” –Tim Kizziar

I don’t know about you, but I honestly do have that fear. I fear all the time that my priorities aren’t straight and my life is going in a direction where the things I accomplish don’t really matter. I fear that I’m not doing enough to further God’s Kingdom. I fear that complacency will eat me alive and I’ll die without doing what God put me on the earth to do. I also fear that the worldwide Christian church isn’t doing it’s job. I fear that as a church we’ve become complacent and settled with prayer and hoping that God will fix things. But aren’t we the people He called to do something about the things we wish could be fixed?

My absolute biggest pet peeve in life is when Christians don’t do anything to further the Kingdom of God. They live in the world and of the world, but don’t live any differently than the lost people around them. And, my biggest fear is that I often am one of those Christians that sits back and waits for someone else to start furthering God’s Kingdom.

Proverbs 1:32
“For the waywardness of the naïve will kill them. And the complacency of the fools will destroy them.”

 We can’t let complacency destroy us. And as Matthew West says in the song linked below, it's time for us to do something.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello Brooklyn, I cast out the spirit of fear and send it back to the pits of hell and that it returns no more to you or any other person that reads this blog. God will direct your paths if you let him. Allow your will to conform to his will. Seek his face and he will reveal to you what he needs you to do in the bod of Christ. If not already, surround yourself with like-minded people that will help you along this spiritual journey.
