Monday, November 28, 2016

Beautifully Broken

"He has made everything beautiful in its time." -Ecclesiastes 3:11

God you are and forever will be
The absolute only beautiful part of me
Without you I’m nothing
I’m broken, I’m lost
Only you can restore me
Only you can bring me back into your ‘Bet Av’

I don’t like who I am
Especially without you
Feeling useless and hollow
I’ve run out of breath
From racing to get somewhere
You don’t want me to be

So I try to hide myself away
I’m too afraid to reveal it
That I’m really worn, tired, and feeling aimless
But trapped in my own world
Deceiving thoughts won’t let me escape it
I think anything and everything, to keep me from feeling defeated

But all this time deep in my heart
I’ve always known the real truth
It is the beauty of Grace
The beauty of the cross
The beauty of God
That gives me worth, hope, and freedom

I believe in this hope
I can actually sense it
But there are still a few shattered thoughts,
Wreaking havoc on this hopeful mindset
Even if they aren’t true
These thoughts still trap in the darkness:

“You’re too broken
You’re too flawed
Not to mention all those scars
You’re useless
You’re a mess
And you think God can make something of that?”

When those thoughts break in, God only speaks louder
He tells me the opposite, He shouts away my weaknesses
“You’re never too broken or flawed or a mess
And those scars show something beautiful
They show healing and hope and aliveness”

I see there is hope
 Something better around the corner
I sense a new beginning
So create in me a new heart
Heal my wounds, but leave the scars
I want to remember what it was like to be lost

Reach out your hand
Pick me up out of this place
Open my eyes to your goodness
For I long to see
I’m no longer just broken
I’m beautifully broken, healed, and free

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