Monday, January 16, 2017

In Every Season

In Every Season

To everything there is a season.
There’s a season for joy
For celebration and to sing.
A season of excitement,
Of welcoming new things.
A season of wonder,
Of laughter, and content.
These seasons give us hope,
These seasons help us mend.

But there’s also a season for tears
For loss and pain.
A season of mourning,
Of hurt and heartbreak.
A season of fear, of doubt, and questions.
This season seems to last forever,
Paving a way of hopelessness.

Even in all these seasons,
Regardless of the change,
There is always one constant.
One thing is the same.

In every season,
On every road of life
God is still present,
His presence is a light.

So as the seasons change,
Old things go, new things come.
He is stepping in right behind us,
Pushing us along.

Wherever this day finds you,
Whatever season you’re in,
Remember you’re not trapped there.
This season will still end.  
Remember in every season,
Whether it gives you hope or it gives you angst,
That little light, the small gentle nudge, that is Jesus by your side.

To everything there is a season,
To every joy, there is a pain.
To every smile, there is a tear.
To every wound, there is healing.
To every loss, there’s a win.
To every sorrow, there’s a light.
In every season, in every hour,
There’s an unchanging Presence,
A forever guiding light.

To everything there is a season,
In every season He is still God,
A steadfast anchor, an unbroken hope,
In each and every season, never let that go.


  1. This reminds me of the scripture Isaiah 30:21: Wether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it."
    Sometimes it's easy during the good times to see God and feel his presence, but sometimes in times of uncertainty it's hard to see Him and the direction He wants us to take. This verse comforts me because even if I can't directly see God leading me in front, I know He is there whispering direction and I just need to listen. I need to trust and keep moving forward because He is there with me. God's got my back!

  2. Listening and then obeying Sh'ma is what releases blessings. The language of love ❤️ to Yeshua is obedience.
    Wish my own children knew that too. But it takes a village and a God good man and friends to raise them.
