Monday, January 30, 2017

Unexpected Opportunities Are Still Open Doors

This week, one of the most unexpected opportunities popped up. If it works out, I’ll be writing about it in a later blog—but for now I will just say this:

   God has the power to open up doors that we don’t even know exist.  

         We pray for God to act, for God to open doors, to guide us, and to show us His will, but we miss the answers to those prayers all the time. We blindly think, “God’s answer will either be yes or no.” But, we don’t always expect Him to say something like, “Nah, that isn’t quite what I want for you, I want you to do this instead.” In other words, I wasn’t praying for this opportunity at all, because I didn’t even know it existed before God pretty obviously placed the door right in front of my face.

         Now I don’t know how everything will play out, but I do know God thinks way bigger plans for me than I think for myself. The same is true in your life. Pursue your passions and gifts and follow where you think God is leading, but always be open to different opportunities. Don’t get stuck on the plans that you planned for yourself, and miss out on the bigger and better plans God has planned for you.

Be open to step out in faith and just go for something you think God is calling you to do. Because if it isn’t where God wants you, He’ll make it known. Also, be open to step out in faith, even if it is something you never imagined yourself doing. God is full of surprises, and I think we miss out on those surprise opportunities so often because they’re scary, we don’t feel qualified, or we convince ourselves that it wasn’t actually a God-given opportunity. Don’t be scared of the surprises, instead, learn to look for them. Learn to find those opportunities and those plans that seem so far beyond what you have planned for yourself.

“Let us allow ourselves to be surprised by God.” – Pope Francis

In Exodus, when God gives Moses the 10 Commandments, there is a verse at the end of the chapter that is pretty easy to miss. God speaks the commandments to Moses and the Israelites waited and watched from a distance as they saw “thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke” (20:18). They watched, “trembled with fear," and “stayed at a distance” (18 cont.), too afraid to go see the glory of God for themselves. 

“The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.” –Exodus 20:21

Even if the door seemed uncertain, Moses took the opportunity and took part in one of the most incredible experiences of God’s glory and presence for himself. The Israelites, however, missed out on that chance because they ‘stayed at a distance,’ and didn’t go through that door. They didn’t even take the risk and let Moses do it instead.

How sad would it be if you missed out on an opportunity like that, simply because it was unexpected, caught you off guard, or scared you a little bit?

“You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.”
-Proverbs 19:21

A day after originally writing this post, I was informed of a spot on a trip with Compassion International to the Dominican Republic coming up here in May. It will be an incredible opportunity not only to meet many of the children who are being poured into by Compassion, but specifically to meet Esther, a little girl who I sponsor in the Dominican. It would be an incredible experience to meet these kids and share the love of Christ with them! I am beyond excited about this opportunity, but I do need to complete a significant amount of fundraising within the next couple weeks to be able to go. Please prayerfully consider supporting me financially and in prayer as I set out on this journey. God bless! Check out the link below!!!

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