Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dear Dad

Since I wrote one for my mom, I suppose that means I also have to write a blog for my dad…. Just kidding, it would be an honor to write a blog for you, Dad, because you have already done so much for me. Happy Father’s day to all the dads out there today, but especially to my dad. I hope you know how much I truly appreciate you and how blessed I am to have you for a father. Words can’t do you justice, but I’ll try J
35 Reasons why I love my dad <3
1.      "These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” – Deuteronomy 6:6-7
I am so thankful that my Dad has set a godly example and has passed down his faith in God’s word to me. Ultimately, flesh will fail, but God’s Word will never fail and as long as I stand on that, I have nothing to fear.
2.      Although we like to make jokes sometimes, my dad really is very wise and I’m so thankful for all the advice and sense he’s talked into me over the years.
3.      My Dad is really an amazing father and husband, although he would probably never truly admit it. But, I am thankful for my dad’s humble attitude.
4.      He has a great sense of humor and is always making people laugh.
5.      I’m so thankful that he passed that sense of humor on to me and that we can joke around about pretty much anything.
6.      He has never stopped believing in me.
7.      He has always supported and encouraged me through prayer, words, and always being there. In sports, school, my choices, and everything in between my dad has always supported me. And he’s always been there to encourage and guide me in my failures and struggles.
8.      I am thankful that he gave me a competitive spirit.
9.      He volunteers in friendships and out in the community to serve and help others.
10.  He puts up with my bad moods.
11.  He was the “tickle monster” and the reason for countless afternoons of my siblings and I running around the house hiding, laughing but fearful that we would soon be found.
12.  I am also thankful that my dad used to let me paint his toe nails.
13.  It wasn’t insignificant that my dad let us keep the cats. ;)
14.  He married my mother and has stood by her side from the beginning.
15.  He makes the best over-easy eggs.
16.  Spending time with him never gets old.
17.  He is always the driver, even in the terrible big city traffic that drives us all nuts. But, we have yet to get in an accident, and my dad always seems to make those long road trips a lot more fun.
18.  He taught me that life isn’t fair, but regardless I should make the most of what I do have.
19.  Along with that, he taught me to count my blessings.
20.  I already said my mom always wins when we have family game nights, so I’m thankful that my dad is a good loser.
21.  He is patient.
22.  I know that he’s praying for me.
23.  He admits when he is wrong or has made a mistake.
24.  He is caring, kind, and compassionate.
25.  He’s involved in our church community.
26.  He gave me his height.
27.  He’s a hard worker.
28.  He’s diligent.
29.  He’s a good friend.
30.  He has loved me unconditionally.
31.  He is very forgiving, no matter what.
32.  He’s not afraid to speak his mind.
33.  He is genuine, real, and honest.
34.  He has stayed committed to our family. I know I take it for granted quite often, but I really am incredibly blessed with the family that I have.
35.  He makes me proud to be his daughter. 

It is pretty easy to take my Dad for granted. It's easy to think that just because he's my dad he is supposed to be and do all these things for me. But although he really doesn't have to be or do any of them, he chooses to and for that reason I believe he is one of the best dads in the world. I love you to the moon and back, Daddeo <3

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