Monday, June 29, 2015

Love Wins

Yes, love wins... But it wasn't on June 26th, 2015. It was years ago when an innocent man was beaten, stripped, and crucified for my sins, for your sins, and for the sin of all of mankind. It was when the son of God breathed his last breath and died between two criminals hanging on crosses beside him. It was when 3 days later the tomb was empty and Christ had risen from the grave. That's when death was conquered. That's when sin was conquered. And that's when love really won.
So in light of the Supreme Court's recent decision to legalize gay marriage in all 50 states, I believe that love already won way before that. The love of Jesus Christ is a very different kind of love... A love that as Christians we are called to share to the world.
Regardless of beliefs and opinions and the differences between all the different views going around, love wins when people come together to serve and relate.
Love wins when people are kind to all people, regardless of race, religion, beliefs, sexuality, etc.
Love wins when people let go of the pride in their judgements and instead they listen, understand, and forgive.
Love wins when community is built even between people from different backgrounds and with different beliefs.
I am far from perfect. I make mistakes and sin every day. Who am I to judge others for their choices? My personal beliefs may be very different from yours, but maybe instead of shoving my opinion down your throat, my goal should be to speak the love of Christ into your life. I believe that if I'm really going to say that love wins, then I love anyone and everyone regardless, even if I disagree with their choices and beliefs.

We don't have to agree with others to love them. I think this Casting Crown's song definitely hits the spot:

"Jesus, friend of sinners, the one who's writing in the sand
Made the righteous turn away and the stones fall from their hands
Help us to remember we are all the least of these
Let the memory of Your mercy bring Your people to their knees
Nobody knows what we're for only what we're against when we judge the wounded
What if we put down our signs crossed over the lines and loved like You did

Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours"

If you're reading this and you have ever felt shamed, judged, unwelcome, and unloved by the Christian community for any reason, I deeply apologize. It saddens me to read and hear of Christians saying hateful things and judging you for your choices. But praise God for his son; we all need Jesus' love. I pray that one day you will experience the real and unconditional love of Christ.
Lastly, for everyone reading this, let me remind you that love won on the cross. Our debt to sin was paid for, and it's our duty as believers to bring the true, winsome love of Christ out into the world. Religion, beliefs, opinions, skin color, sexuality, political party, etc.... None of these factors change the intrinsic human value that ALL people were created with in God's image.

"What if we put down our signs, crossed over the lines, and loved like Jesus did?" –Mark Hall, Casting Crowns (“Jesus, Friend of Sinners”)

What if this is our chance as believers to really show God's love? We can shame and judge and turn people away from God's saving grace, or we can love and relate and bridge the gap to be able to share God's saving grace.

Let God's love win in your life today.

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